Relationship Issues

Relationship Issues

Ma ny people who come to see me have an essential concern about the nature of one or more of their relationships.  You may be a husband or wife feeling hurt or alone in your marriage, unable to stop the arguing or the lack of communication and unaware of how to get back to a previous place where you and your spouse felt connected and happy.  Or you may be a parent worried about one or more of your children, not knowing what to do or how to help with problems or emotions they are facing.  Perhaps you are so taken up with your own stress and issues in life that you cannot be as engaged with others as you would like but do not know how to be different and as avoid your loved ones.  Whether we are a wife or husband, son, daughter or gender neutral child, mother or father, friend, lover or sibling, we all have relationships which sometime or other cause us pain.

Seeking information, talking with a trusted friend or consulting with a professional is a mark of being "pro-active".  It takes strength to acknowledge a difficulty and try to improve it.  (Remember that class in school in which you were having trouble and if only you had gone for extra help with the teacher or a classmate or someone, something etc, how it might have helped?)  Talking and seeking information helps.


Here are some links that may have something for you:


Couples Counseling